Winnipeg to Birds Hill Awareness Campaign

A SAFE connection from Winnipeg OVER the north Perimeter Hwy to Birds Hill Provincial Park and the Red River Floodway Trails system is needed and a TREMENDOUS opportunity exists to make this connection!

MEDIA REPORTS on lack of consideration for active transportation in $80million interchange

The Winnipeg Trails Association, in partnership with the Prairie Pathfinders, One Green City and Bike to the Future launched a “Winnipeg to Birds Hill Provincial Park’ active transportation awareness campaign the morning of July 6th, 2011. As part of this awareness campaign, activities and events will continue throughout the upcoming months at various public locations. On July 6th, Winnipeg to Birds Hill information sheets were handed out to over 250 cyclists preparing to cycle to the Folk Festival via the Northeast Pioneers Greenway (Manitoba’s most heavily used trail) OVER the Perimeter Hwy (PTH101), onto the new Red River Floodway trail system and into Birds Hill Provincial Park. The information sheet highlighted:

  • the need for a SAFE active transportation connection linking Winnipeg OVER the Perimeter Hwy – to the town of Birds Hill, Birds Hill Provincial Park and the Red River Floodway trails system
  • the opportunity to make a SAFE active transportation connection in the $80 M – $100M PTH 59N and the PTH 101 interchange project occurring in the next two years
  • the opportunity to link together – SAFELY – the significant millions invested in Winnipeg trails – to the millions in trail development in Birds Hill Provincial Park, the new Hwy 59 cycle ped overpass and the trail system within the Red River Floodway


At a recent information session hosted by MMM Group on the $80 M – $100M PTH 59N and the PTH 101 interchange project, MMM Group presented a design that missed – but holds the opportunity to include a SAFE pedestrian and cyclist over the Perimeter just 300 meters west of the interchange. The current design of this interchange completely lacks any SAFE active transportation infrastructure. In this day and age – and with such an intense Provincial and Federal focus on healthy living, it is incomprehensible that $80 M – $100M of public funds will not include an active transportation component – when just 300 meters to the west – an active transportation ped / cycle bridge will enable people to SAFELY cross OVER the north Perimeter.

Our organizations are encouraging people to contact their Provincial leaders express the desire for a SAFE active transportation connection OVER the Perimeter Hwy specifically, a separated pedestrian / cycling bridge as part of the $80 M – $100M PTH 59N and the PTH 101 interchange project. PLEASE EMAIL or PHONE one or ALL of the Provincial Representatives before October 4th.

Ask them to:

“PLEASE SAFELY connect the Northeast Pioneers Greenway OVER the Perimeter Hwy with a separate pedestrian / cyclist bridge to access Birds Hill Provincial Park and the Red River Floodway Trails System, as part of the PTH 59N and the PTH 101 interchange project.”

Premier Greg Selinger          [email protected] 945-3714

Minster Steve Ashton           [email protected] 945-3723

Minister Ron Lemieux        [email protected] 945-3788

Minister Bill Blaikie           [email protected] 945-3730

Minister Flor Marcelino    [email protected] 945-3729

Minister Jim Rondeau       [email protected] 945-1373

Erna Braun
– MLA Rossmere               [email protected] 945-7349

Bonnie Mitchelson
– MLA River East              [email protected] 945-0008


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