Favorite trail not connecting ? Trail in need of repair ?

Are you discovering all the new trails in Winnipeg but find you can’t connect safely to other trails? Are you discovering ‘trail potholes’, maybe a need for cuts in the curbs to enable smoother transitions, or just a good sweeping to remove winter’s sand and gravel? YOU can help improve trail connectivity and trail maintenance!

Winnipeg has made great strides in developing trails over the last few years, BUT – there is still a distance to go to enable connectivity throughout the city! YOU can help to improve the trail connectivity in Winnipeg.

If you would like to see a new trail developed in your neighbourhood – or see a safer connection made to another trail – call / email your local City Councillor, Member of the Legislative Assembly AND your Member of Parliament. Call ALL three of them! Tell them you appreciate the new trails and bike routes being constructed. Remind them Winnipeg is progressing, but requires better CONNECTIVITY in our active transportation network. There are still many gaps that present unsafe walking /cycling conditions. Ask for their continued funding support to improve Winnipeg’s Active Transportation Network. The more public support they hear for the trail system, the greater odds of continued funding support!

trail-maintenanceTrail crack in need of repair

YOU are the single most important resource in enabling the development of more trails. For more information on what YOU can do to help improve Winnipeg’s Active Transportation Network, see our resources page.

Pick up your phone and CALL 311! During your trail travels, if you think your trail experience can be improved through better maintenance, pick up the phone and call 311. Call and report issues such as:
• ‘trail potholes’,
• a need for improved access or a smoother transition through an intersection, curbs that need cuts so you don’t have to dismount your bike,
• a bench poorly positioned at an intersection impeding access – or a need for a bench,
• or any other maintenance related issues that will improve your trail experience.

While the process of calling 311 may be a tad grueling, we have experienced some actual results! The small amount of time you invest can greatly improve the trail experience for many others. We also recommend you calling / emailing your  City Councillor.


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