A series of group guided walks exploring hidden places and beautiful instances of nature in our backyard. Come connect with the plants, animals, mushrooms and lichen that share our city. Join us!
Starts on International Trails Day June 2nd and continues through the summer.
Come learn more, meet new people and practice for a big “BioWalk” (species count) being planned for a truly special International Trails Day in June of 2019.
We are lucky to welcome experts and keen enthusiasts about urban issues, botany, ecology and more as your guides. But you do not need to be an expert or know much to participate. Come ask questions, interact and get involved.
All events and updates are posted to Facebook. Check in there or get at us on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #WalkOnTheWildSide. All walk should go ahead regardless of weather so dress appropriately. Snacks and drinks provided. All events are FREE.
Big thanks to support from the City of Winnipeg.