Of course you do. You all do. We know. Today we made the newspaper for a pretty basic idea: Making sure people can reach businesses. (Wait ’til they get a load of our next idea: sandwiches… and up next, warm sweaters, and, get this, walk up ATMs.)
Thing is we were just fixing a problem and weren’t expecting all the attention, so here we are back at the Yellow Dog picking a name and making logo quick as we can so this will all seem legit…

Do you own business that needs a RampUp? Hm. Wait. a RampUp™. ? (No. Whatever. How about the vaguely Scandinavian-esque RåmpUp™ ? …for the custom cat furniture studios out there with your saucy but vaguely Norwegian vibe ..the one that needs to attract the lucrative wheelchair-owning market…) whatever..
We know you need one. We know you want one. Whatever its called. We know you could make one. But everything takes time, so if you want some help, let us help.

How much does it cost? Hey, buddy — How much does not having a RampUp cost? You’re missing out. Ok. Fine. $200. For one. All in. That’s about break even by the time we get the wood, take the measurements, paint them, assemble them, take a coffee break, etc.. But listen, times are tough, make us an offer. You know how much half a sheet of plywood, some paint, and peoples’ time costs. You decide. More? A little less? Talk to us. Wanna take some measurements to make it easy on us and take $20 off? Sure. Done. You want a discount on a plain wood version unpainted so you can get your sister’s talented daughter to paint one of those really cool black and white mermaids she likes to draw to advertise your fish gallery the way you want it? Great. Consider it done. We’d love to see it. Want to bundle in a little donation for the great work we do growing Winnipeg’s awesome network of trails? Why thank you, sir. Or you just want to tip in-house Picasso so she/he/they put a little extra mustard on the rose motif you think your perfume shop needs but just can’t paint yourself? …we won’t say no.
Let’s just make the fine local businesses in this city a little easier to get to for everyone, together, shall we?
The Winnipeg Trails team