WTA is hiring two Communications Specialists – Cree and Ojibwe (Anishinaabemowin)

two positions available.
$17/hour 30 hours/week for 8 weeks
flexible hours. ability to work partially from home

Apply as soon as possible to [email protected] with subject line: Cree Communications Specialist or Ojibwe Communications Specialist


Each Communications Specialist will provide assistance in the development of online and print materials for Winnipeg Trails. They will be responsible for attending bi-weekly team meetings and be capable of working as a team and independently.

The successful applicants will be part of a two-person translation team working on a rewarding project that requires constant communication and collaborative goal setting. They will be immersed in productivity and web-publishing software that includes, but is not limited to WordPress, Google Docs, Slack, Trello. They will receive training in the use of WPML language translation and Localize.

Time management will be a necessary skill to have or develop.

Required Tasks:

Writing, proofreading and translation of online research and web content management.

Mentoring in online communications and translation workflow will be provided by both Winnipeg Trails’ web developer and the executive director. Mentoring in communications in Cree and Ojibwe will be provided by a representative from an Indigenous languages agency working with Winnipeg Trails who will be contracted in summer 2019.

Additional Tasks: From time to time, the successful applicants may be asked to become involved in: Field work, Data collection, Public events, Strategic planning

Any one or combination of the following intellectual or academic pursuits are considered beneficial in a candidate for this position:
Traditional Knowledge Communications Land-based learning Marketing Linguistics History

Note that an academic background is not a precursor to a meaningful and successful career, particular in the case of an Indigenous Languages specialist.

We value an inclusive workplace. We hire based on demonstrated skill, passion and efficiency. We do our utmost within our capacity to ensure that qualified applicants apply that are reflective of the larger community we live in and choose the best candidates from within the pool. We consider it our responsibility to enlarge the pool of applicants and create an environment where people do so. We do not discriminate based on age, ability, religion, culture, language, sex, ethnicity or sexual orientation. When making hiring decisions, we value commitment to our principles and willingness to learn and grow over education and work history. We pay a living wage and seek to contribute to the fulfillment of all staff and volunteers involved with Winnipeg Trails.


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