Election 2016 Walking/Cycling Policy Questionnaire Results

Here is how the distinguished panel scored the responses to our survey:


On April 8 2016, Winnipeg Trails, as part of a group of organizations with an interest in healthy, sustainable transportation, sent a three-part questionnaire to all parties vying for votes in Manitoba’s provincial election. The questionnaire asked important policy questions related to road safety, children’s mobility and transportation policy. All parties had 7 days to respond. Three responses were received by the deadline. Three of the parties did not respond.

Score Methodology

Panel members were asked to score each of the responses using this criteria and scoring system.
The overall score represents a simple average of the scores from all panelists.
Panelists were asked to remain neutral, fair and to score the parties on their responses to the questions only.
All groups involved would like to offer their warmest thanks to the members of the distinguished panel for taking time out of their busy week to evaluate the answers:

Brent Bellamy
Brent Bellamy is an architect, writer and advocate for joyful cities.

Erik Dickson
Erik is a Planner with Scatliff + Miller + Murray, an urban design firm in Winnipeg. There he has been involved in numerous active transportation design and planning projects, most notably the protected bike lane onAssiniboine Avenue, the raised bike lane through The Forks and the Disraeli AT Bridge. He has developed Trail Master Plans for several rural communities in Manitoba and North Western Ontario. Erik is an active cycling commuter and enjoys exploring city parks with his two children by bike.

Jackie Avent
Jackie Avent is the former director of the Active and Safe Route to School Program in Manitoba and an expert in youth-friendly transportation policy. She now works in the private sector as a sustainable development coordinator and feels passionately about the Manitoba that her 1-year old, Freddy, will grow up in.

Decide for yourself! Here are the responses in full:

Green Party Response
Liberal Party Response
NDP Party Response

No response was received from:
The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba
The Manitoba Party
The Communist Party of Manitoba

Disagree? Think we missed something?

Tell us. Every opinion matters. The more discussion the better. We’d love to get your feedback via Twitter, Facebook or email at info[a]winnipegtrails.ca
It’s all part of raising awareness of what an issue important to all Manitobans.

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