You are the single most important resource in enabling the development of more trails. Call / email your local City Councillor, Member of the Legislative Assembly AND your Member of Parliament and tell them you appreciate the new trails and bike routes being constructed. Remind them Winnipeg is progressing, but requires better CONNECTIVITY in our active transportation network. There are still many gaps that present unsafe walking /cycling conditions. Ask for their continued funding support to improve Winnipeg’s Active Transportation Network.
Over the last few years we have seen an increase in public desire for improved CONNECTIVITY in Winnipeg’s trail and bike routes – BECAUSE many people have spoken to elected officials, we have seen funding directed to new trails, bike routes and sidewalks.
Bike Winnipeg
Our friends at Bike Winnipeg have developed excellent advocacy resources to review and develop a better understanding of how YOU can help enable the development of more trails and bicycle infrastructure.
Winnipeg Active Transportation Network Listserv:
Active Transportation stakeholders interested in the area of active transportation can access the Winnipeg Active Transportation Network Listserve to receive and share information, resources and details on upcoming WINNIPEG events or activities. The listserv shares the following types of WINNIPEG information:
- Details about upcoming Active Transportation events or activities.
- Details of advocacy efforts and programs in the area of AT.
- Requests for information on AT.
- Sharing of resources and information related to AT, e.g. reports, research, news articles, job openings, funding announcements, etc.
- Opportunities or invitations to collaborate on a particular issue or event.