Bishop Grandin Greenway Trails Day Celebration
Saturday, June 5 Join in activities all along the greenway, bird house building, bug dipping & cycling! TIME: 8:30 am – 11:30 am MEET: Fruit
Saturday, June 5 Join in activities all along the greenway, bird house building, bug dipping & cycling! TIME: 8:30 am – 11:30 am MEET: Fruit
Saturday, June 5th TIME: 1:00 pm MEET: Hamm Street and Cordite Road MAP: Cordite Trail Please plan to join the Transcona Trails Association opening event
Saturday June 5th Join the Friends of the Harte Trail for bird watching, dog shows, GPS’ing, pole walking and more! TIME: 1:00 pm MEET: Southeast
Sat. June 5th Celebrating Community Support of the Northeast Pioneers Greenway TIME: 10:00 am MEET: Across from Red River Co-Op on the Trail (1138 Gateway
Saturday, June 5th Guided bird walk, tree planting and refreshments! LOCATION: 1964 St. Mary’s Road TIME: 8:00 am for Bird watching 10:00 am for Tree
Saturday, June 5 Discuss Manitoba tours with offered this year by Prairie Pathfinders… TIME: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm MEET: by the Cash Desk. Signing
February 11, 2010 By Rob Brown – Canstar Sou’Wester Save Our Seine will mark it’s 20th anniversary this year with a series of events that
Sunday, January 17, 2010 As the mercury plunges and the snow begins to fall, your first instinct may be to hibernate until spring. But, get
LaSalle River – Sat. February 27th Winter Walking Hiking Adventures LaSalle River – St. Norbert Winter Walking Hiking Adventures Seine River – January 16th 2010
Congratulations to Anders Swanson for being named as the recipient of this year’s Individual award at the Manitoba Eco – Networks Environmental Awards. Manitoba Eco-Network