Trail Signage Project

The Winnipeg Trails Association is the catalyst in the development of trail identification, km markers and trailheads on Winnipeg trails. The WTA is working to install identifying infrastructure of Winnipeg trails through multiple partnerships. We are very appreciative for all our partner support.


The Winnipeg Trails Association, in partnership with the City of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba, Winnipeg Foundation and Red River Co-op are jointly funding the development of trailhead structures on Winnipeg trails. The trailhead will include a detailed trail map of the area; include points of interest along the trail, and an interpretive overview of the area. Trailheads will be installed in 2010 and 2011 on many of Winnipeg’s most popular trails.


Trail Identification

In 2008, the Province of Manitoba awarded the Winnipeg Trails Association (WTA) $100,000 to develop a trail identification signage and coordinate installation of trail signage on Winnipeg trails. Working closely with the City of Winnipeg and Kirk Warren Design Studios, the WTA developed signage for 28 Winnipeg trails. The signage has won numerous awards for artistic design and illustration, and has been featured in International magazines and exhibitions:

  • Applied Arts Awards Photography and Illustration Magazine,  May 2008 edition (Toronto, Ont. Canada)
  • 3×3 The Magazine of Contemporary Illustration, May  2008 edition (New York, New York, USA)
  • Gallery 1.1.1. , University of Manitoba School of Art,  May – Sept 2008 exhibition (Winnipeg, MB  Canada)
  • Applied Arts Awards Photography and Illustration, May 2008 exhibition  (Toronto, Ont. Canada)
  • Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles Illustration West 47, March 2009 exhibition (Los Angeles, Calif. USA)


Kilometre Signage

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, through the Winnipeg in motion partnership is working with the Winnipeg Trails Association to develop and install kilometre marker signs Winnipeg trails. The km markers enable people to gauge the distances they are travelling and are found on some of the longer trails.
